Sarah Taylor

Sarah Taylor: From Customer Support to Full-Stack Developer

For several years, Sarah Taylor worked as a customer support representative at a prominent tech company. While appreciating the exposure to technology, Sarah felt unfulfilled in their role and desired a more hands-on involvement in the development process.

I started looking for a coding bootcamp that could teach me everything I needed to know in a short time. I found Deep Dive Coding Bootcamp, one of the best coding bootcamps near to my location. I was impressed by their curriculum, 1:1 mentorships, and community. I decided to join their full-stack web development program (14- weeks, full-time) and started my new journey,” she says.

Deep Dive’s program provided Sarah with a comprehensive curriculum covering front-end and back-end development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScrip. The curriculum focused on practical skills necessary for real-world web development.

Sarah immersed herself in a rigorous and intensive learning experience, working on hands-on projects, coding challenges, and collaborative assignments. The mentors at Deep Dive offered guidance, feedback, and mentorship, nurturing Sarah’s growth as a full stack developer.

I initially faced challenges in grasping complex coding concepts. However, through perseverance and a growth mindset, I learned to break down complex problems into manageable tasks and sought assistance from my mentor and peers,” she says.

Deep Dive’s career services team provided Sarah with guidance and support throughout her job search. They assisted in refining her resume, building a portfolio, and honing her interview skills, preparing her for the job market.

Equipped with the knowledge gained from Deep Dive, I confidently applied for Full stack developer positions. My combination of practical skills, determination, and passion for web application development made me a strong candidate,” she says.

Sarah successfully secured a web developer role, embracing a new chapter in her career. She was thrilled to contribute her skills and creativity to building innovative websites and applications.

Sarah recognizes that web development is a constantly evolving field. She remains committed to continuous learning, staying updated with the latest technologies and industry trends.

Motivated by her own transformation, Sarah aims to inspire others who are seeking career change and considering web development. She hopes to share her experiences, provide guidance, and encourage individuals to pursue their passions.