Job Guarantee

Job Guarantee

Our job guarantee ensures that you’ll either land a new job within 8 months of completion or receive a full refund of your tuition.

How our job guarantee works?

Prior to enrollment, you’ll work with your Student Advisor to determine if you’re eligible. Check the terms and conditions for the eligibility criteria.

Our job guarantee ensures that you’ll start a new job within 8 months after the completion or receive a full refund of your tuition.

Regardless of your job guarantee eligibility, you’ll have full access to all of our career services and coaching during the course.

If you are unable to secure a job despite meeting all the job guarantee requirements, you will receive a full refund of your tuition.

Basic eligibility criteria

Must be 21 years of age or older and be eligible to legally work in the United States

Must be proficient in both spoken and written English

Must be able to pass any background checks associated with jobs that you apply

You must complete up to three (3) mock interviews with your Career Coach or other Deep Dive Learning Academy representative

Must complete all of the assignments and steps that appear on the Career Services

Meet our friendly student advisor and find out if you’re eligible.

*Please Read the Terms & Conditions for Job Guarantee