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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Can I customize the program?

We understand that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Some students may need additional assistance from mentors. You can also customize your program. We will meet with you to understand your career goals, strengths & weaknesses to create a custom experience which leads you towards success. 

Do I get Personal Mentorship?

Yes, all our programs include personal mentorship. The number one reason our students like us is because we provide one-on-one mentoring rather than classroom lectures. Students learn at their own pace & because many students have difficulty learning in groups, we believe this method allows us to focus on each student’s individual needs. This way there is no burnout and no student is ever left behind. 

In each milestone, students learn through real-world projects and create their own web applications.

Do you offer Job Guarantee?

Yes, we do! Our job guarantee ensures that you’ll either land a new job within 8 months of completion of our program or you will receive a full refund of your tuition. Prior to enrollment, you’ll work with your Student Advisor to determine if you’re eligible. Meet us to know more or read terms and conditions .

Do you offer job assistance?

Absolutely! You get dedicated career help after completion. You will be introduced to a wide range of topics that you must understand in order to pass technical interviews. We’ll help you construct a solid portfolio and perform 1-on-1 mock interviews to boost your confidence for in-person technical interviews.

Do you offer any free courses before I join?

Yes! You can begin with free class and start learning. You will learn from the actual curriculum so this serves as a ‘test-drive’ for you and it will help you to kick-start your journey into Web Development. 

I do not have any coding background. Will this program help me?

Our programs are intended for people with little or no prior knowledge of web development. We welcome students with no prior experience. Prior to admission, we’d like to have a non-technical conversation with you to understand and identify your career path and goals, and so we can deliver a customized solution to you.

In fact, we have a proven track record with students who have no prior experience with web development. Don’t just take our words for it, check out the testimonials by our students!

Is the program full-time or part-time?

Each student learn at their own pace and have different schedules & time commitments. Deep Dive’s programs are built with the flexibility in mind. You can complete it full time (14 weeks) or part time (22 weeks)

Do companies really hire students who completed this program?

Yes, don’t take just our word for it. Hear it from our students. Deep Dive places 97% of its graduates in high-paying Web Development jobs within just 2 months of graduation. Our grads work at companies like Google, Capgemini, Kayak, Mango, Magic Leap etc.

Can you provide me examples of former graduate's project work?

Yes, you can see our graduate portfolio section where our students have submitted their work. Check it out!

Can I speak with any current or former students about the program to know their experiences before enrolling?

There’s no reason why you can’t. Ask our student advisor for recommendations when you meet us. Our students would be delighted to talk about their personal journeys.

Can I take this course at my own pace or is there a fixed schedule? How flexible is it?

We recognize how important flexibility is to some of our students. You can absolutely progress at your own pace. To get the most out of this program, we recommend studying and practicing 15-20 hours each week. As this is 1:1 mentorship, you can pause the course up to 3 weeks for any of your personal reasons. You don’t have to take those 3 weeks together; you can have 3 separate pauses for 1 week each, if you like.

What if I fall behind in the class?

We support students who are struggling to keep up with extra help and 1:1 mentorship. We want you to succeed and will work hard to support & motivate you throughout the program. We don’t let our students lose hope so easily and we don’t stop working until we reach there!

Why our programs cost less despite providing double the value than other coding bootcamps in America?

There is a huge gap between job openings in Web Development and the talent available to take up those jobs. We receive grant from the Government for the great work we do for the communities and we pass it on to our hard working students. We believe this is the right-thing to do & also well aligns with our philosophy and mission statement!

How many students are there per class? Do you have a maximum?

So that’s what makes us different from others.

We know the difference a personal mentor can make, thus all our programs are 1-on-1. You will be assigned a personal mentor, and all of your sessions will be exclusively 1-on-1. Every student learns differently and our mentors ensure that they adapt to their learning style. Depending on the program you choose, you will meet with your mentor at least once/twice/thrice per week. Throughout the week, you can ask your mentors any questions you have via Slack (a chat platform) and they will respond as quickly as possible!

When the program starts, how busy will the instructors be? What if I have questions after the mentor sessions?

We ensure that our mentors do not have more than 5 students, allowing them to provide students better attention. Depending on the program, you will meet with your mentor at least once/twice/thrice per week. Throughout the week, you can ask your mentor any questions you have via Slack (a chat platform where all our students and mentors communicate) and they will respond as quickly as possible!

Will I get a good mentor who can understand me well?

When you join Deep Dive, you are assigned a personal mentor with tremendous experience in the field and who will focus on understanding your needs. However, if you are not happy, we will work with you to assign a different mentor for you. Our mentors are friendly and most of them stay engaged with their students even after graduation.

Are the mentors working professionals with other jobs, or are they completely dedicated to working with students?

There’s a mix in there. Majority of our Mentors hold top level technical positions at Fortune 500 companies and some of them are doing mentorship on a full time basis. However, all our Mentors have solid experience working for corporations and most of our students keep in touch with their mentor even after their graduation.

Do I need my Own Laptop?

Yes, you do. We don’t really care what Operating System you’re running, although we’d prefer if it was a Mac. 

We often run promotions where we provide a Brand New Laptop to the students who enroll into our upcoming 22-Week mentorship program! Book your free consultation today to find out more about it. 

What benefits our students receive after they complete the program?

Students will receive a Certificate from us after graduation, but most importantly, we work with each student individually to ensure that they are on their road to earning the job that they deserve! This includes preparing them through Mock Interviews, assisting them with Personal Branding, and connecting them with a strong Recruitment network.

Our alumni become part of a worldwide community whose members are invested in the success of one another. We also give them the tools they need to encourage lifelong learning and seek work they enjoy.

If students require more assistance with topics that were difficult for them, we will make every effort to assist them.

After enrolling, can I modify my program from full-time to part-time?

Yes, students may be able to modify the program (such as from full-time to part-time and so on) once during the entire length of the program, subject to the approval from the program manager.

Will I be working with Peers during the Program?

Yes, you will an opportunity to work on group projects, which will help you develop as a team player in the real world. Peer learning can help you overcome some typical hurdles to skill development and network with individuals with similar backgrounds.

Can I pay my tuition on a monthly basis?

Yes, you can pay for tuition on a monthly basis for as long as you need it. We do this to offer a flexibility and peace of mind to our students.

Do you offer any scholarships?

Yes! We do offer a range of scholarships. Our scholarship program is designed to lower the financial barriers for students of all backgrounds. Book your free consultation today to find out more about it. 

Admissions & Tuition

What is ‘TOP’ and How I will know if I am Eligible?

Deep Dive Learning Academy is recognized and approved institute for ‘Training Opportunities Program’ (TOP)! You may be eligible to collect additional Unemployment Benefits while you are getting job-ready with our result-oriented Personal Mentorship programs!
(* some state-specific restrictions may apply)
Book your free consultation today

What is the admissions process?

First, we would like to meet with you to discuss your career goals and help you choose the right program. We will work with you to determine the best suited Program and Tuition options for you. Book your free 1:1 consultation today to get started on that!

If you still have questions after meeting with us, you can start free trial and ‘test-drive’ us before you make your final decision.

How much is tuition and do you offer financing options for students?

Tuition starts at $1,897 and varies across programs depending upon your needs. 

Our programs are the most accessible, and we provide custom payment options, such as monthly payments and even ‘Pay After You Get A Job’.

What is your refund policy?

If you are not happy with our program, we will give you a 100% refund to you when you withdraw within the first week. Beyond that, we will work with you individually on a case by case to find out if we can do anything to help you out and ensure that you are satisfied.

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions to know more details about this. 

What is ‘Pay After You Get A Job Program’?

Don’t let finance be the hurdle between you and your dream career! With our ‘Pay After You Get A Job’ program, you do not pay tuition until you land a job.

Deep Dive Learning Academy has teamed up with the Meritize platform* to offer our students a unique financing option. Meritize works with students, educators, and employers to help people excel in skills-based careers.

Schedule a no-obligation call with one of our super-friendly advisors to know more.

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions to know more details about this. 

Am I eligible for ‘Pay After You Get A Job Program’?

We have created a simple quiz to determine your eligibility. Spend 60 seconds to check your eligibility. Take quiz now!

FAQ's About Leif

What is LEIF?

LEIF is our financial partner that provides funding and guidance to our students so that they may easily afford a great education and feel secure in their capacity to do so. To apply for your CPP, you will create an account on LEIF’s platform, review and sign your contract, and eventually report income and make payments.

How does Contingent Payment Plan (CPP) work?

After completing the program successfully, you will begin making payments once your income is at or above the Minimum Income Threshold. These payments will be made in a number of installments over a period of time that will be decided by the duration and type of the program.

How CPP is different than ISA?

In an ISA, you pay a percentage of your future monthly earnings, hence the payback amount varies based on your income, but in a CPP, you repay a fixed sum once you finish the program and begin earning.

What If I don't get a job or the job doesn't pay well?

You start paying when you earn more than the Minimum Income Threshold ($40,000), you will pay the fixed monthly installment amount through the LEIF portal over a certain period of time. If you do not earn $40,000 or more, your CPP will be forgiven after 5 years even if you paid nothing. 

When do I start paying back?

Once you complete the program, LEIF will work with you to verify your income. When you earn above the Minimum Income Threshold, you will make fixed monthly payments through the LEIF portal.

What are some common things Leif will ask from me and how do I fulfill them?

You can view any outstanding contractual obligations in your Leif portal here under ‘Contract Action Items’ on the ‘Dashboard.’ Below are some common obligations you may see, along with how to resolve them.


Report/Confirm Income

To resolve the ‘Report Income’ or ‘Confirm Income’ obligation, please log in to the Leif platform here and select ‘Income’ from the header. From there, review your ‘Income Reports’ and update them accordingly, if needed.  Once confirmed, click the ‘Confirm Income’ button in the large orange box, sign your name, and select ‘Confirm.’ If you are reporting unemployment, please ensure that all income streams have an end date. If all income streams have an end date, then ‘unemployed’ will appear in the ‘Confirm Income’ attestation.


Submit Paystubs

Please upload a full month’s paystubs from the month prior to the one you received the request in (i.e. if you receive a paystub request in May, submit all paystubs received in the month of April). You can upload your paystubs by logging in here, selecting ‘Account’ from the header, and selecting ‘Documents’ from the dropdown menu. Please be sure to mark your documents as ‘Paystub’ when uploading. 


Submit Offer Letter

Please upload your offer letter. You can upload your offer letter by logging in here, selecting ‘Account’ from the header, and selecting ‘Documents’ from the dropdown menu. Please be sure to mark your documents as an offer letter when uploading.


Submit Income Verification Document

Please upload a full month’s paystubs from the month prior to the one you received the request in (i.e. if you receive a paystub request in May, submit all paystubs received in the month of April). You can upload your paystubs by logging in here, selecting ‘Account’ from the header, and selecting ‘Documents’ from the dropdown menu. Please be sure to mark your documents as ‘Paystub’ when uploading. If you are unemployed, please upload your last three months of bank statements, or unemployment documentation and label them as ‘Bank Statement’ and ‘Unemployment Benefit’, respectively, when uploading.


Correct Income (Tax Reconciliation)

The ‘Correct Income’ obligation occurs when Leif identifies a gap between the income reported on the Leif platform and what was identified in your submitted tax documentation. The minimum earnings is the amount verified from your submitted Form 1040 for that year. The amount reported is what you currently have reported on the Leif platform for that period. Resolve the ‘Correct Income’ obligation by updating your income report to match the verified income period. For more information on how to do this, including a step-by-step process, click here.


Correct Income (Paystubs)

The ‘Correct Income’ obligation occurs when there is a discrepancy between your income reported on the Leif platform and what was verified in your submitted pay stubs. The discrepancy may be based on the gross monthly income listed in your paystub(s) or in the year-to-date gross income listed in your paystub. Please update your income reports to reflect the minimum amounts verified in your submitted paystubs. You may need to update one or more months of income on the Leif platform. You can update your income by logging in here and selecting ‘Income’ from the header. To edit the job details of a role, such as a start date or an annual salary, please select the role and update accordingly. To update individual income months, please select the income listed for a particular month and update accordingly.


Connect Bank

The ‘Connect Bank’ obligation is created when your bank account has been disconnected from the Leif platform. This most commonly occurs due to changes in banking credentials. To reconnect your bank account:

  • Please login here

  • Select ‘Account’ from the top-right and select ‘Payment Methods’ from the drop-down menu

  • Click ‘Reconnect Bank’ under Bank Account Connection

  • Select ‘Refresh Bank Authentication’

  • This will redirect you to Plaid where you can select ‘Continue and then your desired bank. You can connect to your bank account with your online banking credentials or by adding your account / routing numbers (click X on the right-hand corner and then ‘Linking with Account Numbers’)

Please contact Leif at if you need your Plaid connection to be reset.


Submit Tax Documents

Per the terms of your contract, you agree to comply with our tax reconciliation or a review of your income as reported to the IRS. This helps us verify that all self-reported income is accurate and true. Please note that compliance with our tax reconciliation is required to keep your contract in good standing. To get started with our tax reconciliation, please log in to the Leif platform here, select ‘Account’ in the right-hand corner, select ‘Tax Information from the drop-down menu, and click on the appropriate tax filing year. If you have any questions or concerns, please let us know and we would be more than happy to help.


Submit Payment

This obligation is created when a payment is added to your account. To issue a payment, please log in here, select ‘Payments’ from the header, and select ‘Make a Payment.’ From there you can issue full or partial payments. Once your payment has been issued, you should receive a confirmation email from Leif.


Please note this is not an exhaustive list of contractual obligations you may see on your account, and others may be added. Still, have questions? You can email us at

Where can I find my contract terms?

You can locate your contract terms at any time by logging in here and selecting ‘Terms’ from the header. You can access your signed contract under ‘Terms’ by selecting ‘Contract PDF.’

Still have questions? You can email us at

Is my information secure?

Yes! Leif has implemented technical and organizational security measures designed to protect the security of any personal information we process. You can access Leif’s privacy policy here for more information.

Who can apply for tuition financing on the Leif platform?

To apply for financing through Leif you must meet the following conditions:

  1. You been accepted by one of our partner schools.

  2. You have a Social Security Number.

  3. You have a U.S. address.

  4. You have a U.S. phone number.

  5. You have a bank account with a U.S. based financial institution.

How old do I need to be to apply?

In general, the legal contract age is considered to be a state’s age of majority. The age of majority for states is as follows:

  • Alabama & Nebraska – 19 Years of Age

  • Mississippi & Puerto Rico – 21 Years of Age

  • All other States – 18 Years of Age

Still have questions? You can email us at

How do I get started?

After you are accepted by one of our partner schools, you can apply for an ISA via a link the school provides you. We’ll ask you to create an account, verify your contact information, and connect your bank with our secure platform to verify your identity. The school will then review your application. If you are approved, we will email you immediately with a link to review and electronically sign your ISA contract. That’s it!


Still have questions?

  • Need a link to the application? Contact your school representative.

  • Questions on the status of your application? Contact your school representative.

  • Technical questions about the Leif platform email us at

How do I sign my application?

To sign your Income Share Agreement (ISA), please login here to access your application. From there, you can review the terms of the ISA and select ‘I understand’ at the bottom of the page. You will then be routed to the following page where you can draw your signature with a computer mouse or touchpad, enable Autopay (if desired), and select ‘Complete.’


Once your ISA has been successfully signed and completed, you should receive a confirmation email from Leif.


Still have questions? You can email us at

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Call at +1 (857) 444-9735

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We will be in touch to resolve any inquiries or issues within 1 business day.

Schedule Information Call

Information calls are easy, simple conversations with our executive team. We will be happy to answer your questions and guide you through the process