Alex Miller

Alex Miller: From an Accountant to Front-end Developer

Alex had always been good with numbers, but she felt bored by her career as an accountant. She had been working for a small bakery for three years, handling the finances and inventory.

Once, while scrolling through Instagram, Alex discovered DeepDive Coding Bootcamp. It offered a Fullstack web development program with personalized 1:1 mentorship. Alex was intrigued by the opportunity for individualized guidance, which she believed would be vital for her success in the tech industry.

I had always been curious about technology, but I assumed it was too difficult and expensive for me,” she says.

then again Alex made a brave decision of in Deepdive’s fullstack web development bootcamp, with her heart set on embarking on this new adventure. She couldn’t stop herself from getting excited as she imagined a future in which she could combine her love of technology with her sharp eye for statistical methodology.

I loved the 1:1 mentorship part, the dedicated mentors at DeepDive provided me with invaluable guidance, helping me overcome challenges and providing feedback to refine my skills,” she says.

Throughout the program, Alex immersed herself in the world of coding, learning various programming languages, web development frameworks, and best practices for creating stunning user interfaces.

I felt confident in my abilities as a Fullstack web developer after completing the bootcamp. DeepDive went above and beyond by setting up mock interviews and connected me with potential employment. Through their support, I gained the confidence and interview skills I needed, “she says.

Alex received an offer from a prestigious multinational company as a frontend developer.

It was a dream come true for me. The opportunity to work in a professional environment, utilizing the skills I had acquired, filled me with a sense of accomplishment and pride, “she says.

Alex wanted to share her story with the world, to let others know that choosing DeepDive Coding Bootcamp was the best decision she had ever made. She believed that learning coding could open doors to endless possibilities, just as it did for her. Through dedication, hard work, and the support of a remarkable coding bootcamp, she had transformed her life and found a fulfilling career.

Now, as Alex embarks on her new journey as a frontend developer, she encourages anyone who is considering a career change or seeking personal growth to seriously consider learning coding. She believes that with determination and the right resources, anyone can achieve their dreams and thrive in the world of technology.